Pittsburgh I Rock the DOT Snack and Sips Virtual on 3/13 from 7p to 8p Eastern - Polka Dot social

Bring your favorite snack, favorite beverage and connect with us. This is I Rock the Dot Day across Polka Dot Powerhouse. 
Come see how connections with women across Pittsburgh and the world leave you feeling excited to learn about one another.

We will meet for 1 hour before members go to theall Dot sister PJ party.  

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 03-13-2024 7:00 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 03-13-2024 8:00 pm
Capacity 40
Registered 4
Remaining Seats Available 36
Speaker Connection time - I Rock the Dot Day
Location ZOOM

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting

Location Map