Central Valley, CA. VIRTUAL MEETING, 4-19-24 (10am Pacific)

Central Valley, CA. VIRTUAL MEETING, 4-19-24 (10am Pacific)

Register to receive the link!

We're looking forward to seeing you on April 19th, @ 10:00 AM (Pacific)

**Note time zone and adjust accordingly.
Meeting etiquette:
-We start On TIME, and we don't want you to miss your opportunity to introduce yourself.
-Attendees arriving late will not be admitted 15 minutes after the meeting has started.
-WE do not allow BOT note-taking or recording of our meetings. Please remove this automation before entering our meeting if you have set up this automation.

Guests are invited to attend 1 Polka Dot Powerhouse Meeting before deciding to join. If you have already participated in a meeting and need a second look before joining, we encourage you to register to attend one of our Open House Events. https://bit.ly/WhatisPDPregister 



SPEAKER: Elisabeth Stitt

TITLE:  Challenges Modern Parents Face the Affect Everyone


Parenting is not the same game it used to be. For years we've been saying "It Takes a Village" to raise a child, and with every passing year the village is less present. As a result (and this was true pre-Covid, too), our children are experiencing higher levels of anxiety and depression.

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 04-19-2024 10:00 am
Meeting End Date/Time 04-19-2024 12:00 pm
Capacity 30
Registered 13
Remaining Seats Available 17
Speaker Elisabeth Stitt
Location Online Zoom ( Link sent in registration confirmation email )

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting

Location Map