Placer County, CA Virtual Open House on Zoom March 19th (9-10:30am PST)

Monthly Virtual Open House Events (*Temporary through first quarter only.):
3rd Tuesday from 9:00-10:30 am PST – These are free for current members and guests to come together and connect, learn about our local group, etc. We will have partial main agenda, introductions, etc. and talk about our local chapter growth goals, membership. Plus, for new members, we will review how to access the Polka Dot website and Facebook groups effectively to maximize your memberships. 

You will get the Zoom Meeting Link Once You Register!

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 03-19-2024 9:00 am
Meeting End Date/Time 03-19-2024 10:30 am
Capacity 20
Registered 5
Remaining Seats Available 15
Speaker Open House, no speaker
Location Placer County Zoom Room

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting