ACDT 7:00 pm Australia Chapter Virtual Meeting

ACDT 7:00 pm Australia Chapter Virtual Meeting

Hello and Welcome 


We are so excited you have come this far, and we would love you join us at our next meeting.


Each month, we come together online or in house to learn something new about our members.


Celebrating the good things going on in our lives, and we share exciting things we are working on.


Our meetings are only the beginning of relationships, so we find like-minded women to connect with, one on one, in the days and weeks to follow. A Polka Dot Powerhouse meeting is quite special.

We introduce ourselves differently.

We have a fun icebreaker question, so others begin to know what makes us each tick!

We chose a guest speaker, who will share something for us to all have the opportunity for personal and professional development.

We share a celebration, because if we aren’t asked what we are celebrating, they can tend to go unnoticed, and we need to be reminded how wonderful we all are.

We connect, collaborate, lifting up and supporting each other.

If we have products, services, and events, we get an opportunity to share these.

We learn fun facts, have gratitude and basically leave a meeting better than we arrived.




Guests: Are welcome to join us, we are sure that’s all it will take for you to know whether Polka Dot Powerhouse is right for you!


Here in Australia our members are excited to see you and will welcome you with open arms!


CLICK ON THE “REGISTRATION” BUTTON BELOW. If you’re a guest, be sure to tell us who referred you, so we can thank them.



We truly look forward to connecting at our meetings.


Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 06-04-2024 7:00 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 06-04-2024 9:00 pm
Capacity 30
Registered 7
Remaining Seats Available 23
Speaker To be confirmed
Location Online Zoom Meeting

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting